Wondering what professions attract the most women? So did WhatsYourPrice.com, so the website pulled data from about 145,000 male members, to see which occupations men held acquired the most dates. Starting the list at number 10, Engineer. Men with this occupation have an acceptance rate of 72%, for getting a date. Coming in at number 9, Architect. Their acceptance rate is 78%. At number 8, Marketing or Advertising Executive. The acceptance rate for these guys is 83%. Number 7 on the list, Real Estate Developer. Men with this job had an 85% chance of scoring a date. Coming in at number 6, Physician. The acceptance rate for these men is 87%. At number 5, Business Consultant. These gents had an acceptance rate of 88%. Maybe they should be dating consultants. Number 4 on the list, Lawyer. These guys have a 90% acceptance rate. Number 3 is a Software Developer. These men have a 93% acceptance rate. Not so geeky after all. Coming in at number 2, Financial Advisor. Guys with this job have a 96% acceptance rate. And number 1 on the list, CEO/Entrepreneur. These bosses aren’t only number one at their company, but they’re also number one on this list.
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