– Here’s a cool trick that I learned to turn GMail in to an autoresponder. Allow it to automatically reply to the most frequent e-mails that you receive.
This is a remake of an older video. The original can be seen here:
Here’s a couple ways that you can use this…
1. Tell people on your blog to email you with a specific subject line in order to receive a bonus. Automatically send back the bonus without any extra effort. Open communication with some of your most engaged readers and collect their email.
2. Tell people to email you with a specific subject line while being interviewed on a podcast. Automatically send them a bonus. Open communication with new fans and collect their email.
3. Mail your existing mailing list and ask them to reply to your email for a bonus. Soliciting replies on your email greatly boosts email deliverability rates.ââââââ
4. Create an automatic reply with links to helpful resources when someone fills out your website’s contact form. This is one of the ways that I still personally use this.
5. Create automatic responses for your most commonly asked customer questions. This will speed up the response time when people have issues.
This can be turned into a powerful tool if you think outside the box!