Health officials say people should eat less sugar, but that may be easier said than done. Sugar can be hidden in lots of common packaged foods. Take for example, salad dressing. The amount of sugar in them though, can vary. Wish-Bone’s Deluxe French salad dressing has 4 grams of sugar a serving. From salad to soup. A cup of soup may seem comforting, but even savory varieties can have sugar. A can of Progresso’s Rich Hearty Beef Pot Roast has 4 grams of sugar in each serving. Even yogurt, which may seem like a healthful choice can come with lots of sugar. A container of Chobani’s 0% fat Greek yogurt in black cherry flavor lists 17 grams of sugar. And, in case it wasn’t clear by now, just because it’s not dessert doesn’t mean it doesn’t have added sugar. California Kitchen’s BBQ Chicken microwavable pizza has 7 grams of sugar in a single-serving pie.
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