Millions of Americans have their identity stolen each year. This Identity Theft Protection Dave recommends is less than $7 per month, and it includes restoration services! Find out more about the best identity theft protection here:
In this video, Dave Ramsey speaks to Dara, a schoolteacher with $40-50K in Identity Theft. Her father used her social security information when she was in college to open credit cards. The amount of documentation required caused her to give up and file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Now that she’s behind on payments, Dave helps her prioritize: Food, clothing, shelter, Transportation, utilities before she does anything else. Planning and budgeting can be the most important part of getting your finances back in order, and if you let all of it pile up, you can find yourself emotionally and financially drained.
To prevent this kind of stress decision-making cycle that may result from identity theft, make sure you work the baby steps in order by taking Financial Peace University: This will allow you to take back control of your life!
If you want to avoid a situation like Dara’s, Dave recommends you get Identity Theft Protection
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