Whether or how much the race for the White House is tightening in Florida is up for debate. A Bloomberg poll released Wednesday showing Donald Trump with a two-point lead over Hillary Clinton caused a stir among Democrats who had in recent weeks begun to feel Florida was moving steadily into the blue column. A RealClearPolitics average of polls still gives Clinton a 1.6-point edge in contests including third-party candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, and CNN moved both Florida and Nevada into its “toss-up” category from leaning Democratic. Florida-based Democratic strategist Steve Schale on Thursday in a memo urged Dems to be cautious. Clinton led or tied Trump in the vast majority of recent polls, he pointed out, and early voting shows the GOP with just a slight edge. Traders on U.S.-based prediction market PredictIt still give Clinton an edge in Florida, though it is shrinking. Flip Pidot, election analyst at PredictIt, discussed where the market sees Florida heading.
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