Orlando may be considered the ‘Theme Park Capital of the World,’ but it wants outsiders to know it’s much more than that as it makes the biggest single transportation investment ever in the history of central Florida. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs say infrastructure spending is near the top of what’s being spent in the U.S. as the region expands its commuter rail line, adds to Interstate 4, makes its airport bigger and builds a high-speed rail line to connect the city’s airport with Miami. Infrastructure is the platform for attracting more businesses to the region, incubating startups and creating a high quality of life for its’ citizens. Mayor Dyer said, ‘we’re so well-known as a tourist destination, but people don’t know the other half of it.’ Up next, Mayor Jacobs said the country will soon be home to the Veteran Administration’s training and simulation center. TheStreet’s Ruben Ramirez reports from New York.
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