The UK is making a big bet on the future of the digital economy and if the past five years are any indication of the future, it’s bet could pay off big. Just this week, the UK launched a program called HQ-UK aimed at attracting U.S. companies looking to setup a European headquarters. Baroness Joanna Shields is leading the project and she says the launch of the program comes at a time when the UK is ready to open its doors to the U.S. tech industry. Sheilds said, ‘The government has been working very hard over the past 4 years to make digital a bigger part of the economy.’ Today, 7.5 percent of the UK workforce works in tech and digital businesses, half of those jobs didn’t exist five years ago according to Shields. This Fall, coding classes will be mandatory in schools and the UK has also developed a group of online courses dubbed the digital business academy. TheStreet’s Ruben Ramirez reports from New York.
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