TheStreet’s Jim Cramer says gasoline prices matter to the consumer and that’s why he’s focused on consumer products, retail and restaurants. He says lower oil prices affect both sides: consumer product companies use a lot of oil and gas in their products while lower gas prices puts more money in consumers’ pockets for them to spend on retail and dining out. Cramer says look at Cracker Barrel whose stock is up at $150 and then look at Ross Stores which had a remarkable quarter — both companies said gasoline prices matter to the consumer. Additionally, energy costs going down for small business is really going to be terrific later in the year. Cramer says he’s emphasizing consumer product companies like Unilever because they all use a lot of oil and gas. He’s also emphasizing restaurants like Denny’s. In retail he likes The Gap but not J.C. Penney because they are still blaming the old regime. He says you can’t blame the old regime if you’ve been in there for more than a year; now you own the problem. Finally, Jim Cramer says in Target’s big meeting next week, he’s looking for job cuts. While you never want to see people lose their jobs, he says Target has been run fat and unhappy, now they’re going to get trim and happy and that’s why he holds it in his Action Alerts PLUS charitable portfolio.
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