If you’re in Washington over the next few weeks and see drones flying overhead, don’t get too worried. The Secret Service is conducting testing intended to find ways to interfere with rogue drones or knock them out of the sky. A U.S. official briefed on the plans says the Secret Service is testing drones for law enforcement and is looking for ways, such as signal jamming, to thwart threats from civilian drones. The challenge, of course, for the Secret Service will be to quickly detect a rogue drone flying near the White House or the president’s location, then within moments either hacking it to seize control over its flight or jamming its signal to send it off course or make it crash. Flying overnight also diminishes the chances that radio jamming would accidentally affect nearby businesses, drivers, pedestrians and tourists. The FAA confirms it formally authorized the Secret Service to fly the drones and granted it a special waiver to fly them over Washington. The agency declined to provide specifics about the secret program.
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