SXSW may be best known as a place to see the latest innovations in technology, film and music, but for two French chefs it’s also a place to showcase their skills in the kitchen. Michelin star chef Gerard Bosse of Une Ile and Chef Remi Fournier of Chez Remi in Angers, France are taking the concept of a pop-up restaurant during the week long festival to a whole new level. Remi said, ‘I have been coming to SXSW for 3 years and one of the reasons for me to come here is to meet American chefs, local chefs and to share our talents and our passion and try to find ways to collaborate and do things together.’ Bosse, who received his first Michelin star in 2005 just had it renewed for 2015. He said, ‘I cook according to what I like to eat and I only use organic ingredients because taste is what matters the most.’ TheStreet’s Ruben Ramirez reports from Austin, Texas.
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