AeroMobil’s CEO Juraj Vaculik says the company hopes to start test flights of the flying car in the U.S. in the second half of 2015. Vaculik said, ‘We’ve built a fully functional prototype of a flying car. We’ve got the technology but also a vision to show that not only is it possible to make a car and a plane but at the same time we have a business plan on how to really commercialize the AeroMobil.’ Vaculik said test flights are already taking place in Slovakia, where the company is based. As for the cost, a price has not been released yet, but he said it will likely be ‘a couple of hundred thousand dollars.’ Vaculik compares the flying car to the first mobile phone which was expensive and bulky but as technology improved prices dropped dramatically. TheStreet’s Ruben Ramirez has details from Austin, Texas.
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