Not Impossible offers tech-based solutions for people around the world. The company was founded on the belief that getting many experts to work on finding a solution to a problem is much more efficient and could ultimately lead to finding an answer much quicker. Not Impossible Co-Founder Elliott Kotek said, ‘We say here is a group of people that have a problem, can we bring a bunch of great minds and a couple of cheerleaders together, to work on a solution that delivers a solution to them in a sustainable, DIY, accessible way.’ One of the organization’s latest endeavors is called ‘Project Daniel.’ Daniel is a youth who had his arms blown off by the conflict in Sudan. The project’s aim was to use cutting-edge technology, including 3D printing to build prosthetic arms for him. Kotek said, ‘We ended up sending four people to Sudan and ended up creating an arm for Daniel. For the first time in two years, he was able to feed himself. But, also trained a group of locals how to use the equipment, left it all there and in essence created what was the first 3d printing prosthetics lab.’ TheStreet’s Ruben Ramirez reports from Austin, Texas.
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